Saturday, February 19, 2011

The Many Faces of Chris...

Sometimes its the Devil.

Sometimes its God dealing with me.

And sometimes, maybe often, its just me......

God help me.....

Friday, February 4, 2011

The Boundaries of our dwellings

So, I'm having trouble in being content in where I live.

If you've read for a little or know me, you know I live in Compton with my Grandfather. And all of that has its own challenges.

To be real, i feel there is just so much of a disconnect between me and this place that I live. It doesn't feel like home. I feel stationed here as a soldier is stationed in another country but it does not feel like my home.

It has led to a lot of mind warfare, discontentment and very unnecessary prejudices. I ask for prayers, that Christ would truly teach to me to be content and show me how to love.

I came to a place today where I realized that I am striving when I am pushing to just get out of the city or away from the house, 'just to get away'. I need to be able to live here and that is going to require peace in myself and with what God has given me now.

I dont wanna hype it up as bigger than it needs to be, but it is a battle. One that I can God willing intentionally face.

Today I was led to a verse: Acts 17:26, 27
And He has made from one blood every nation of men to dwell on all the face of the earth, and has determined their preappointed times and the boundaries of their dwellings, so that they should seek the Lord, in the hope that they might grope for Him and find Him, though He is not far from each one of us;

So I was TRIPPING on that verse because its basically saying that God Almighty puts us where we are and when we are for the purpose that we might seek Him in that place. and the details of my life currently do make me cry out.

Very real and relatable

Very humbling. words cant describe but God is good and Im glad He leads and even HALTS us sometimes.....

made this piece for a possible art show using the 'The Minstrel Boy' story as a theme.

there are lots more ideas, praying for the discipline to put them down!